The World Global Body for the Sport of Lei Tai
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    The Global Body for the Sport of Lei Tai Fighting

    General Meeting

    The supreme governing body of the PRO LEI TAI is the General Meeting in which each Member Federation has one vote. The General Meeting is chaired by the President. Member Federations may designate a maximum of two Delegates, preferably the President and the Secretary General. General Meetings can be held whenever deemed necessary but one must be held each year as the “Annual General Meeting” (AGM).

    Board of Directors







    Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee (ExCo) consists of the President, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Treasurer, the Vice President and three Members. It conducts its business under the direction of the President, who has full authority to manage the day-to-day affairs of PRO LEI TAI. All members of the ExCo, with the exception of the CEO, are elected by the AGM to a four-year term following each edition of The World Lei Tai Tournaments. The CEO is appointed by the ExCo. Terms and conditions of employment, as well as the job specification, are established by the ExCo. The CEO reports to the ExCo, of which he/she is a non-voting member.

    When the General Meeting is not in session, the Executive Committee holds all powers that are not explicitly reserved to the General Meeting, and it is fully empowered to make decisions accordingly. The ExCo has, among others, the following tasks, responsibilities and powers:

      • To conduct the business of the PRO LEI TAI in the period between General Meetings.

      • To prepare for the organization of the next World Lei Tai Tournaments and start the preparatory work for the Tournaments after that, and to arrange negotiations for contracts with the Host Cities and the participating International Sports Federations

      • To establish and maintain partnership relations with sponsors and/or public institutions in the field of the media and sports communication








    The PRO LEI TAI administration is assisted in its work by a number of Committees (elected by the General Assembly) and Commissions (appointed by the Board of Directors) made up of expert advisers coming from within the sport of LEI TAI and outside. As volunteers with different backgrounds and nationalities, they bring a wealth of different experience and are committed to making PRO LEI TAI® an outstanding example of good governance and athlete-oriented sport development.


    Elected Committees

    The Anti-doping, Anti-doping Disciplinary, Arbitration, Disciplinary, Financial Audit and Nominations Committees are elected by the General Assembly:


    The Anti-Doping Panel is the independent jurisdictional organ of the PRO LEI TAI for Anti-Doping matters. It considers and decides on anti-doping rule violations referred to it by the PRO LEI TAI Medical Committee according to the provisions of the PRO LEI TAI Anti-Doping Rules. Members of the Anti-Doping Panel cannot at the same time be members of the PRO LEI TAI Executive Committee or any other PRO LEI TAI Committee. Members of the Anti-Doping Panel exercise their duties independently according to the doctrines of the trias politica (separation of powers between legislature, executive and judiciary) and are not bound by any instructions of other PRO LEI TAI organs regarding these duties.


    The PRO LEI TAI Disciplinary Committee is responsible for the management and resolution of any asserted violations of the PRO LEI TAI Code of Ethics and other PRO LEI TAI Rules and Procedures, except for asserted violations of anti-doping rules which come under the jurisdiction of the PRO LEI TAI Anti-doping Disciplinary Committee. Any complaints, disputes or appeals arising from decisions of the PRO LEI TAI Disciplinary Committee will be settled by the PRO LEI TAI Arbitration Panel which is independent of the Disciplinary Committee.


    The PRO LEI TAI has committed itself to enacting doping controls at The World Lei Tai Tournaments according to the policies and standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency. The PRO LEI TAI Medical Commission is responsible for fixing all practical modalities for the doping control tests and procedures prior to and during The World Lei Tai Tournaments.


    The role of the the Financial Audit Committee, which should be considered as independent of PRO LEI TAI, is to oversee and audit the financial activities of PRO LEI TAI and to provide independent oversight of financial matters related to PRO LEI TAI.

    Appointed Commissions

    The Athletes, Coaching,  and Medical Commissions are appointed by the Board of Directors:



    The Athletes’ Commission serves as a link between the athletes and PRO LEI TAI. The PRO LEI TAI Athletes’ Commission ensures that the athletes’ viewpoint remains at the heart of all decisions by PRO LEI TAI and encourages and empowers the Athletes’ voice in all matters related to Amateur LEI TAI globally.


    The role of the Coaching Commission is to advise PRO LEI TAI Board of Directors on matters related to Amateur and Professional Lei Tai fighting from the coaches’ perspective including providing strategic direction and leadership to ensure that PRO LEI TAI coaches have the most up-to-date level of competency and can deliver effective teaching of the skills of mixed martial arts to their membership. The Commission will provide a coach’s perspective and voice to the decision-making processes within PRO LEI TAI and advocate for the rights and interests of coaches within the sport of Amateur and Professional Lei Tai fighting globally.


    PRO LEI TAI’s Medical Committee consists of a panel of doctors with a specialism or experience in medical care within Amteur and Professional Lei Tai fighting. The committee is responsible for providing guidance on medical safety within the sport and for developing medical protocol for PRO LEI TAI competitions.

    For support in executing the assigned duties, the ExCo could propose the establishment of additional standing committees. The ExCo also has the right to set up and disband ad hoc committees where deemed essential.

    PRO LEI TAI’s committees are in various formative stages and there remains room for members to be elected. For more information please contact us