The World Global Body for the Sport of Lei Tai
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    The Global Body for the Sport of Lei Tai Fighting


    The PRO LEI TAI aim to aid and approve one democratic, non-profit national federation per country thus enabling international LEI TAI competitions in the future. There are two kinds of members – Federation members and Individual members. For individuals wishing to join us please contact your National Federation here.

    For an organization to formally represent their country as a member in the PRO LEI TAI there needs to be a national federation in place that meets the following requirements:

      • It needs to be formally registered as a non-profit organization under a name that contains the country name and LEI TAI

      • It needs to have statutes, which state that the organization is democratic

      • It needs to group together the majority of the LEI TAI organizations and clubs throughout the country

      • It needs to show the ability to initiate regular national competitions in the near future

    In some countries there already exists such a federation, in others several organizations, in many there are devoted individuals ready to put one in place. Hence we initiate talks with all relevant parties in a country, whether one or several, to learn about the country and investigate the best way to move forward.

    If in any country there is more than one such federation, the PRO LEI TAI will accept among its members the one officially recognized by the National Olympic Committee or the governmental sport authority of the country in question. If more than one federation meets all the requirements but none have that kind of recognition it comes down to size – which federation that groups together the majority of the Lei Tai organizations and clubs throughout the country.

    If in any country there is no national federation in place to meet the demands of Full membership an individual can be appointed Individual Member of the PRO LEI TAI. This individual will thereby temporarily represent the country, with the assignment to establish a non-profit, democratic national federation.

    We are working diligently to ensure that the membership process is fair and professional, gathering all the relevant information in order to create the best possible outcome in each country. If you don’t get a reply from us instantly, please don’t be alarmed. We are handling many applications from around the world and that sometimes takes time.

    For more information on membership click here for the PRO LEI TAI statutes.

    Membership Application Form

    Upon receiving your application we will get back to you with more information and let you know what we need from you in order to procede. If you have statutes and registration documents make sure to send those right away. Also please enclose two passport-sized photos of the applicant and a brief biography of the applicant, including martial arts experience. The membership fee is $1,000 for 1 year.